Friends of Lucy’s Mill Bridge – Open Afternoon –
Please Come Along – We’ve Lots to Show You!!!!
On Saturday 2nd December, from 2-5pm, we will be hosting an Open Afternoon in the Town Hall, at the top of Sheep Street. We’ve lots to show you if you can come along.
You will be the first to see drawings and some actual architectural designs, for an option to add ramps to the present bridge, so making it a bridge for everyone. The Friends of Lucy’s Mill Bridge have had some wonderful help from Stratford architects Hawkes Edwards, along with lots of support from the Avon Navigation Trust, and the presentation you will see represents a viable option so that all Stratford Residents – and all our Visitors – will be able to use the bridge.
That’s not all!!!
You will be the first to see the results of the physical surveying of actual numbers of people who presently use the bridge – and records of people who have arrived at Lucy’s Mill and NOT been able to cross.
We’ve covered everyday of the week. We have surveyed early in the morning – and seen 60+ people an hour using the bridge. On a really sunny Sunday, that figure was well over 300 people. These figures are for Autumn use, so will be higher in Summer months. You will be able to see that the bridge is used several thousand times a week.
What we’ve also done is create a database model, breaking down our Town into small areas – such as Saffron Meadow and Old Town, Evesham and Banbury Roads, the residents of Bridgetown, visitors parking at Rec, people working in Central Stratford etc. This model can be used in conjunction with the physical surveys to show where people come from and where they go to.
You, as an individual Stratford Resident, can have a copy of this model and put it any figures you feel are appropriate. One of the key local statistics you could include is that there are more than 1000 people who claim a disability allowance and live in the locality. For many of these fellow Stratford residents, using Lucy’s Mill Bridge has never been an option.
There are two more displays you will be able to take a look at. The first will be all the entrants in the ‘Lucy’s Lift’ competition – and we will announce the prize winners!
The second will be a montage of pictures – pictures of many of the dogs who take a walk across the bridge, some everyday of the week! Thanks must go to all the owners who have allowed pictures of their wonderful animals to be taken.
You will be able to give your thoughts on everything you see. There will also be hard copies of the online survey that we are running. If you haven’t done so yet, please use the links below for \residents or \visitors. If you have friends who come to Stratford – whether once or twice a year, or a few times a month, please ask if they could complete the Vistors Survey.
Residents Survey for Lucy’s Mill Bridge Usage
Visitors Survey for Lucy’s Mill Bridge Usage
We are going to use TV screens to show you some of these presentations. You’ll be able to take a couple of minutes to watch then talk to ‘Friend’ about what you’ve seen. The more screens we can have available the better so if you are a Stratford Hotel (who has a screen that is used by conferences say during the week) might you be able to let us borrow it? Or it could be that you have a presentation screen you use as part of your business?
We’d also like to offer visitors some refreshments if possible. Saturday is going to be a really busy day with visitors but if you are a Stratford Cafe or hotel and could bake a few extra biscuits or little cakes, we’d love to be able to offer them to guests. As soon as you could say ‘yes’ we will promote your name in everything about this special day.
This will be the end of a busy year for the Friends of Lucy’s Mill Bridge. The one thing we haven’t been able to get you yet is all the background work done on the bridge in the past 10-15 years. We will ask Warwickshire County Council for what they can give us and hopefully start 2018 with this.