Presentation – Improving Accessibility to Lucy’s Mill Bridge
Stratford upon Avon
Presentation Binder
June 2018
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Making a decision about Lucy’s Mill Bridge
Making a decision about Lucy’s Mill Bridge – Here is ALL the evidence (LOTS OF IT NEW) – what do you think?
It’s a wonderful week here in Stratford. The River Festival will bring many many visitors to our town. We have a riverside walk that is so beautiful, a walk that goes down to Holy Trinity and then a few metres later takes people into the basin below the weirs and to Lucy’s Mill Bridge. Just now, these views are spectacular. The river is has many reed beds, and our swans, ducks and coots sail between them whilst people watch from the riverbank … and the bridge. Continue reading “Making a decision about Lucy’s Mill Bridge”
Seeing the Wood for the Trees
Seeing the Wood for the Trees – How many people presently use Lucy’s Mill Bridge – how many could?
We did some very specific surveying of how people presently use the bridge. We could have just counted numbers crossing, a very simple method. The most complicated way to find out about use would have been to have had questionnaires to give to people on the bridge, but that would have prevented people from going about how they normally use the bridge and we could only have taken a sample of the numbers of present users.
What we did do, Continue reading “Seeing the Wood for the Trees”
Questions and Answers
This is what you’ve said so far – and answers to questions you’ve had – what would you like to add, now you’ve seen all the evidence?
Over 2017 we did lots of public consultation. We had an online and paper questionnaire that people contributed to. We held an Open afternoon in the Town Hall where people could see seven presentations and give their thoughts and then the Stratford Facebook Forum very kindly promoted our posts and hundreds of people comment – and thousands look at them.
All this feedback is below plus the transcript of an interview we did for Welcombe Radio. In that interview two of our ‘expert friends’ answered many questions people have raised. Continue reading “Questions and Answers”